Monday, December 31, 2007
A chapter closes

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas

Friday, December 14, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Holiday Rush
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Kitty Balloons and a Love Note
Thank you for these angelpie!~ *hugs*
Yesterday, November 24th, James and I went out on a date at SM Mall of Asia. It was, in many ways, a perfect date. We laughed, he sang, I cried, we strolled, he bought me balloons... If I were to detail all the precious memories yesterday gave me, then I would have to create several blogs. But then again, words would never suffice for them.
My memories would just be here, locked up in my treasure trove, for me to play back and dream of whenever I feel the need to do so. Sheer perfection...
I'm so blessed to have the bestest, most wonderfully amazing boyfriend in the entire universe. I love you James!~ *snuggles*
Friday, November 16, 2007
Retail Therapy
I can't believe that just after I've said that foodie therapy is the best way to go in terms of wounded hearts, I turn right around and splurge into another effective albeit more expensive form of sadness eliminator: retail therapy.
Having been late for class this morning, my mom and I decided to go to Glorietta and Greenbelt in Makati instead. That proved to be a lethal combination for me time and again: mommy + mall. I ended up trying on a wide variety of skirts, blouses, and dresses [trivia: I shop at the pre-teens section >.<]. And in the end, I went home after purchasing two skirts, a button-down blouse, and a spaghetti top, as you can see on the photo above.
And yes, retail therapy is indeed effective. Right now, I feel happy and sedated, sort of like the way you feel after a fully satisfying meal at your favorite resto. And broken hearts..? I don't even know what the words mean. =P
I love you James!~ *snuggliesh*
Foodie Therapy
Some people say that the best way to get over sadness is through retail therapy. I say that only comes in second to foodie therapy!~ =P While staring intently onto my lappy, I smelled the aroma of the above-posted photo wafting up to my room. Suffice it to say that as of the moment, I find myself feeling too heavy to move from where I'm sitting. =))
Who cares about cringe-ing waistlines? It seems that wounded hearts are best glued together by a healthy dose of fat [insert insane laughter here. hahaha.].
Eat hearty everyone!~ *huggies*
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Et Moi..?
Pourquoi doit-il toujours ĂȘtre au sujet de vous..? Et moi..?
I feel sad and insignificant. My tears are falling relentlessly but no one bears witness. No one cares to ask why. No one knows. Maybe it's better that way...
The night wind blows, the rain falls as relentlessly as my tears do... the cold is chilling my skin. Likewise, the pain is freezing my heart. Is it really better to feel numb? Or am I really the one who is numb? Isn't it all the more true that someone else is guilty of numbness? Or maybe it's naivete... I don't know anymore. Still, one question lingers in my mind...
What about me..?
Rainy Thursday
Burrow on your blankies everyone!~ *huggies*
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Pretty Pinky Mousy
Me was so sad to have lost my lappy's optical mousy last weekend, after the LevelUp Live 2007 event that James and I participated in. T__T
After a week of suffering through the use of the synaptics touch pad for word processing and gaming, which is a feat if you know the horrors of touch pad use for gamers, me decided to buy a new mousy for my lappy and for me-self of course.
My quest for the perfect mousy brought me to Sm Bacoor this afternoon. Me started at Hurricane Microsystems but no mousy caught my eye. Me moved on to Octagon Computer Computer Systems where me found an exact twin of the mousy me lost. As I took it from the shelf though a pretty pretty mousy caught my eye. It was pinky!~ *faints*
So me hurried off to the cashier with this gem of an eye-candy. I rushed home and plugged it in to my lappy and here it ish, the perfect pinky mousy!~ *snugglies*
Ish so pretty, don't you think? *winkiesh*
I love purplink. People tell me no such color exists, but I don’t need a color wheel to determine what I SHOULD see. I believe in what I COULD see and that’s enough for me. What would this world come to if we limit ourselves to seeing what OTHERS tell us we SHOULD see? Each vision is possible, if only we have faith.
Why another blog domain? I have come to the conclusion that my original bloggy, http://winterangel.wordpress.com/, is a bit emotionally poignant and profound; out of the league of the little girl in me. Hence, CandyRaine was given her own little domain.
With lots of air castles to build and candy-coated dreams to make, light-hearted chatter and heartwarming stories to share, and yes, maybe even some tears to shed and a few tantrums to get over with; drop by every so often to take a glimpse into the rainbow colored world the child in me dwells in.
Hope to see you around!~ *snugglies*