Me was so sad to have lost my lappy's optical mousy last weekend, after the LevelUp Live 2007 event that James and I participated in. T__T
After a week of suffering through the use of the synaptics touch pad for word processing and gaming, which is a feat if you know the horrors of touch pad use for gamers, me decided to buy a new mousy for my lappy and for me-self of course.
My quest for the perfect mousy brought me to Sm Bacoor this afternoon. Me started at Hurricane Microsystems but no mousy caught my eye. Me moved on to Octagon Computer Computer Systems where me found an exact twin of the mousy me lost. As I took it from the shelf though a pretty pretty mousy caught my eye. It was pinky!~ *faints*
So me hurried off to the cashier with this gem of an eye-candy. I rushed home and plugged it in to my lappy and here it ish, the perfect pinky mousy!~ *snugglies*
Ish so pretty, don't you think? *winkiesh*
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